I work with Andy Denness of AD2010 Consultancy to provide support for health and social care services which are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The support I can offer includes:
Surveying of clients, staff and professionals
As well as general surveys we offer surveys monitoring satisfaction with responses to Covid-19. This service includes independent management of the survey process, evaluation of responses, and recommendations from Andy for improvements to services based on responses.
Reviewing of Policies and Procedures
Reviewing and updating policies and procedures to ensure full compliance with current legislation.
General admin support
Report writing, proof reading, etc.
Andy has extensive knowledge and experience of the health and social care sector and offers a range of services to support organisations in ensuring CQC compliance, including auditing services, troubleshooting, complaints investigations and management of quality assurance. Full details of his services can be found at www.ad2010.co.uk/.